
Saas marketing funnel: what is it and how to measure its results?

Working to acquire, qualify and convert leads is a critical part of the business success of any SaaS (Software as a Service) business. However, trying to balance your company’sdifferent marketing, sales and retention efforts for your company can be challenging. In thisa good strategy is to organize those efforts using a SaaS sales conversion funnel.(Saas […]

Cohort analysis for saas and recurrent business

There are three key metrics that define the success of a acqusition strategy of a business: CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), LTV (Customer Lifetime Value) and customer retention. The CAC is easy to calculate, we simply need to calculate the marketing investment among the new customers we have been able to obtain in a given period. […]

Mastering Sales KPIs: The Ultimate Guide to Outbound Sales Metrics

In the world of sales, performance isn’t just about closing deals; it’s about understanding the mechanics that lead to those closed deals. The heart of this understanding lies in Sales KPIs and Outbound Sales Metrics. These critical numbers offer a science to the art of selling, giving sales teams the data they need to optimize […]

CMRR: how to calculate it and why it matters for your SaaS business

If you are involved in a SaaS business, you probably already know that Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is one of the most important metrics to measure the health of your business. But did you know that MRR can be misleading if you don’t take into account Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue (CMRR)? Throughout this post, we […]

Negative Net Churn in SaaS: definition and advice

Churn, the enemy of any Saas business, the opposite of retention. It is a silent business killer. But is churn always a bad thing? Well, there are cases where negative Net churn, churn’s much friendlier sister metric, is synonymous with business validation. If you want positive growth, you need negative churn. Net negative churn, or […]

Free trial vs Freemium: Find out which is best for your SaaS startup

In the new era of Product-Led Growth (PLG), sales-based models are giving way to more product-centric approaches. We need to look at two key concepts that have emerged in this landscape: free trials and the freemium model. These strategies are transforming the way SaaS companies achieve success, as they are becoming the foundation of business […]

Machine learning for Saas

In an information-driven world where information is power, Machine Learning (ML) has become an indispensable and invaluable tool for startups of all sizes. However, with more than 50 algorithms available, making the right choice can be difficult. Today we will talk about Machine Learning for SaaS business. In this post, we will explain how to […]

SaaS retention metrics to measure customer engagement

If you are in a SaaS business, you know that the success of your business depends heavily on the engagement and retention of your users, and paying attention to this is of great importance. After all, it’s not just about acquiring customers, it’s about retaining them for the long term. In this post, we will […]

How Google Analytics 4 works. GA4 Guide for Saas

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a completely new version of the tool that has been built on three services that Google has been working on for the past few years: Firebase Analytics, Google Signals and Google Tag. Firebase Analytics Firebase Analytics introduces the new event-driven data model, which measures in a much more granular and […]


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